Sunday, May 8, 2022

Hey, You! I Have Something Important to Tell You

Yes, you. You, the person with ADHD who just happened upon my blog. I want to talk to you. I want to tell you that this is really happening to you. Your life is very difficult. It’s harder for you than it is for others around you. You aren’t making it up. You aren’t exaggerating it. You aren’t milking it for sympathy. This is actually happening to you. And I’m sorry because it sucks. It’s hard and painful and, yeah, it just sucks. But please understand: It sucks; you don’t. You are doing an amazing job. Really above and beyond. You are trying so hard. And it shows. Right now, it might feel like your life is falling apart around you and you are holding it together with duct tape and safety pins. Wow! That is so great! You are amazing! You have the strength of a thousand! And I am really, really proud of you. If nobody has told you what a spectacular job you are doing, let me. You are doing a spectacular job. You are fighting through a hundred different obstacles just to make it to the end of the day. And you do it. It isn’t always pretty, but you are holding it together. You deserve a pat on the back. Give yourself a pat on the back. Now, I want to invite you to imagine what you could do if you had more than duct tape and safety pins. Imagine what you could accomplish if you had a toolbox full of tools at your disposal. Imagine the heights you could reach, the worlds you could build, the dreams you could live.

I cannot be too clear about this: There is nothing wrong with you. In fact, if you have ADHD, it’s likely that you’re a pretty cool person. You are probably caring and funny and just a joy to be around, in general. You’re fine, so stop trying to fix yourself. You can’t fix what ain’t broken. And trying is only causing you pain. What you can fix are the mental and physical environments in which you live. You can change how you think about yourself. You can change how you approach life. You can change what it means to be successful, productive, and happy. You can take control of the world around you and adjust it to fit you.  
And I really hope you will. I hope that you will take control of your world because you deserve more than duct tape and safety pins. You deserve the best in life. You deserve to have your dreams come true. And you deserve to rest. Really, you must be exhausted. Life shouldn’t be this hard. And when you realize that you aren’t the problem, it will start to get easier. Love yourself for who you are. Because you’re so damn lovable.  
You are freaking awesome!  I just thought you should know. 

1 comment:

  1. I found you via your card on the RTR bulletin board. Thanks for this. You're right, it IS freakin' hard. I'm 61 years old and just learned late last year that what I've always struggled with is undiagnosed ADHD. And that's not at all what I always thought it was. But just knowing there's a name for this stuff that happens in my head, and that I'm not alone, has given me such a sense of relief. I appreciate knowing you're out there.


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